Diagnostic Medicine
We are experts in diagnostic medicine, a healthcare segment which includes exams and analysis of results to reach a diagnosis for each patient. We can split our products into two areas:
Clinical Analysis
The exams of clinical analysis concern the collection of samples and their subsequent analysis by a qualified professional, using automated equipment. Some examples: blood count, cholesterol, triglycerides, urinalysis 1, stool test, detection of sexually transmitted diseases, pathology, among others.
Diagnostic Imaging
Known as imaging exams and graphical methods exams. The imaging exams include the capture of images and their subsequent interpretation by a qualified physician to issue a medical report. Some examples: magnetic resonance, computed tomography, ultrasound, x-rays, bone densitometry, mammography, scintigraphy, PET-CT (positron emission tomography – computed tomography), among others. In turn, the graphical methods exams concern the monitoring of vital signs and their registration through graphical representations, which are then interpreted by a qualified physician to issue a medical report. Some examples include electrocardiogram, cardiotocography, holter, ergometric tests and cardiopulmonary tests.