Additionally, pursuant to the notices, as part of the Closing on this date: (i) the Closing Shares were effectively transferred, by the Sellers to the Buyer, in a definitive and irreversible manner; (ii) the Current Shareholders‘ Agreement was terminated; and (iii) the agreements relating to the 2022 Put Option and the 2024 Put Option, as well as the New Shareholders‘ Agreement, were signed, definitively and irreversibly, between the Sellers and the Buyer.
As resolved at a meeting of the Board of Directors held on this date, the resignations of Messrs. Roberto Kalil Issa Filho, Roberto Kalil Issa, Sergio Tufik, Ana Teresa do Amaral Meirelles and Ana Paula Alves dos Santos as effective members of the Company‘s Board of Directors. In view of these resignations, the Board of Directors also resolved on the election of new members to occupy the vacant positions, to complement the term of office of 2 (two) years until the annual general meeting that approves the accounts for the fiscal year ended on December 2022. Accordingly, the composition of the Company‘s Board of Directors was changed, with the following new configuration: (a) Nelson Sequeiros Rodriguez Tanure, as Chairman of the Board of Directors; (b) Isabella Tanure Correa, as an effective member of the Board of Directors; (c) João Pedro Martins do Couto de Figueiredo, as effective member of the Board of Directors; (d) José Carlos de Araújo Pedrosa, as effective member of the Board of Directors; (e) Guilherme Luis Pesenti e Silva, as an effective member of the Board of Directors; elected on this date and remain on the Board of Directors (f) Daniel Rizardi Sorrentino, as Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors; (g) Sergio Brasil Tufik, as an effective member of the Board of Directors; (h) Cláudio Otavio Prata Ramos, as effective member of the Board of Directors; (i) Fernando Henrique de Aldemundo Pereira, as an effective member of the Board of Directors; (j) Hélio Ferreira Lopes, as an effective member of the Board of Directors; and (k) Fernando Machado Terni, as an effective member of the Board of Directors.
Finally, still in accordance with the notices, the Company clarifies that the New Shareholders‘ Agreement essentially provides for the Sellers‘ right to (i) appoint up to 2 (two) members to the Company‘s Board of Directors; and (ii) approve certain protective matters within the scope of the general shareholders‘ meeting or meeting of the Company‘s Board of Directors, as applicable. The New Shareholders‘ Agreement will be valid during the term of the 2022 Put Option.
The entire content of the Sellers‘ Notice is contained as Attachment I to this Material Fact, while the entire content of the Buyer‘s Notice is contained as Attachment II to this Material Fact.
The Company reiterates its commitment to keep the market informed about material facts and acts, in compliance with applicable regulations.
São Paulo, April 14, 2022.
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Karla Maciel