Material Fact – Share Purchase and Sale Agreement and Other Covenants – CURA

ALLIANÇA SAÚDE E PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A. (“Company” or “Alliança”) (B3: AALR3), under Law No. 6,404 of December 15, 1976 and Resolution of the Securities and Exchange Commission No. 44 of August 23, 2021, hereby informs its shareholders and the market in general that it entered into, on February 21, 2025, a “Share Purchase and Sale Agreement and Other Covenants” for the acquisition of 100%of the imaging diagnostics and clinical analysis operations in the city of São Paulo developed by the traditional and renowned brand Cura. The transaction will occur through the acquisition of all shares issued by CURA – Centro de Ultrassonografia e Radiologia S.A. (“CURA” and/or “Transaction”), currently held by Refuá Participações S.A.

The Transaction is in line with the Company’s sustainable growth strategy and represents the acquisition of the traditional Cura brand, which has been in existence for over 40 years and is recognized for providing high-quality diagnostic medicine, with innovation and a cutting-edge
technology machine park and the use of solutions involving artificial intelligence. Another relevant aspect of the transaction is the increase in capillarity in the City of São Paulo, providing an increase in the share of clinical analyses in Alliança’s gross operating revenue and an increase in its capacity to perform highly complex diagnostic imaging exams (magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography), specialization in care for women’s health, being the Company’s first operation in the City of São Paulo with this characteristic, and the increase in revenue from clinical analyses in the City of São Paulo, as well as an estimated increase of approximately R$80,000,000.00 in Alliança’s total gross operating revenue.

The acquisition price will be paid on a deferred basis, being settled in installments up to the 36th month from the closing, in addition to a variable contingent installment (earn-out) to be determined based on the performance of CURA’s assets at the end of this period. The acquisition price was established assuming zero debt in CURA.

The effective implementation of the Transaction is subject to compliance with the usual precedent conditions for this type of operation, including approval by CADE – Administrative Council for Economic Defense and the implementation of a corporate restructuring involving CURA.

The Company will keep its shareholders and the market informed about the Transaction.

São Paulo, February 24th, 2025.